Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Damon and Saladin

I know from experience that when you are writing a book, that is, when you are in the throes of composition and problem-solving, there comes a weird, extended period of time when everything else in life seems to reflect the subject of your labors. When Johnny Damon hit a grand slam off the Yankees in the seventh game of the American League Championship Series in 2004, I naturally thought that this was reminiscent of Saladin’s skill in reconquering Jerusalem. It was obvious: how could anyone think otherwise?

Similarly, that waitress in Toulouse who helpfully leaned forward an extra couple of inches – proof, back in 1999, of the Cathar belief in dualism. A traffic jam? Supplies struggling to be delivered to the Western Front. Burnt toast? Montségur. Ant infestation? The Reconquista.

I’m both happy and sad to say that this level of monomania has not yet taken hold of me with my current project. The tale to be told is one of inquisition, riot and torture, so perhaps the summery weather is not conducive to such projection.

Nah. I’m just kidding myself. It will come, and I will be helpless to stop it. The Grand Inquisitor will no doubt show up at Starbucks any day now…


  1. hey, you're quite good at this, you know, the writing and blogging and stuff. Quite nice looking website, too – very wordy, though.

  2. Writing from the Flann O'Brien chair here at the Cafe Pamplona, sipping a pint of plain iced coffee, and enjoying your ruminations, I recall the street chant when J. Damon defected to the Gothams:

    Jonny Damon -
    Looks like Jesus,
    Throws like Mary,
    Acts like Judas.

    Carry on, amigo.

    -David Brennan
