Wednesday, December 8, 2010

James Frey, Revisited

Here’s a suggestion. Anybody who bought Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope should wrap them up and put them in the mail.

Here’s where you send the package:

The White House; 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue; Washington, DC 20500.

Include a note asking for your money back. The author can afford it. Say the books were advertised as non-fiction, when they clearly are not.

Failing that, you might try the publisher. Hardcover for both books is Crown. Paperback is Three Rivers. Mass market paper for Audacity is Vintage. All are imprints of Random House.

Random House; 1745 Broadway; New York NY 10019.

You may also want to go into your local boxstore and ask that they reshelve the books properly, in the fiction section. If the clerks balk, tell them it’s easy: Make a space between Joyce Carol Oates and Sean O’Casey and put the books there.

Where they belong.

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